As a new year begins, it is a time for reflection, a sense of renewal and a reminder to continually strive towards making choices that serve you. For me, heading into a new year feels like a welcomed cleansing of sorts. A new, clean slate where fresh ideas flow and there is more space to welcome new challenges.
To kick off 2023, I'm excited to launch a series of blog posts called "Detox Your Life" where I will discuss healthy ways to detox your nutrition, your skin, your home and your mind. I just completed an amazing whole person health detox course and am excited to share what I have learned with you. Let's welcome a new year together with clarity, gratitude and openness.
When we talk about "detoxing" what exactly does this mean? By definition, detoxification means supporting your health by removing and minimizing exposure to potentially harmful materials or habits and adding in health supporting materials or habits. Detoxification is not just about the removal of toxins, nor is it a quick fix diet of sorts but rather, it's a sustainable lifestyle approach. When we detox, we start living more of a "clean life." With my four part detox series, you will naturally begin to re-energize your life in the areas of food, home, mind and body. To kick off the detox series, let's connect a bit on the foundations of detoxing.
Detoxification is not just about the removal of toxins, nor is it a quick fix diet of sorts but rather, it's a sustainable lifestyle approach.
Crowding Out & Sustainable Shifts
It is much easier and more sustainable to add healthier elements into our lives versus removing things from our diet and lifestyle. When we just focus on the removal of things, it can feel restrictive and challenging-oftentimes leading us to give up or throw in the towel to any idea or thought of change. When we start to bring in more healthy choices into our lives, it leaves less room for the things that eat up our energy or harm us. So, naturally, as we focus on adding in healthier options, we begin to crowd out those unhealthy choices. Adding in those nourishing elements is key. Small and simple shifts are best and are easiest to sustain over time.
When we start to bring in more healthy choices into our lives, it leaves less room for the things that eat up our energy or harm us.
Clean Living
We are exposed to pollution and harmful chemicals every day. Our body is constantly working for us-removing things that don't belong, sending those icky ingredients out and removing those toxins one step at a time to keep us safe and healthy. However, over time, if our toxin exposure is too high, it becomes too much for the body and other health issues can begin to show up. So, what can we do about this? It is about making mindful choices that truly support whole person health so our bodies don't have to work constantly in overtime for us. By practicing clean living, we are giving our bodies a break from the detoxing load. Although we can't control everything and all chemicals we are exposed to, we can definitely limit our exposure to nasty, toxic elements by making sustainable changes that support our health.
By practicing clean living, we are giving our bodies a break from the detoxing load.
Clean Living Inventory
In each additional blog post I will have about detoxing, there will be a clean living inventory exercise in the areas of home, beauty, mind and nutrition. You will be able to take inventory of each of these sections to see where you are at and what you would like to focus on. Remember, it's about small and easy shifts. One step at a time. Take the clean living inventory without judgment and be curious!
As you begin to "detox" in these four areas, you will notice that small, positive shifts will begin to take place such as, a better connection to self, and a clearer mind. Knowing that you are working towards improving your own health will lead to higher confidence and a strong gratitude practice.
Remember, it's about small, sustainable shifts and crowding out those things that no longer serve you. Be on the look out for the first part in the series, "Detox Your Nutrition." I am excited to be your partner on this journey!
Are you ready to detox with me?